
Nos collaborateurs

Seth Olson

Senior Sustainability Manager
DT Global
Domaines d'expertise technique
La durabilité d'entreprise
Sustainable Value Chains
Food Systems
Circular Economy
Cornell University, M.S., Applied Economics and Management
University of Delaware, B.S., Natural Resource Management
À propos

Seth is a Senior Sustainability Manager at DT Global, where he focuses on creating and implementing sustainable and resilient value chain strategies in the food and fiber systems. With a decade of experience, he’s worked on contextualized assessments and built collaborative solutions to tackle global environmental and social challenges for multinational companies, global donors, and leading NGOs across five continents. Seth earned his MSc in Applied Economics and Management from Cornell University and his BSc in Natural Resource Management from the University of Delaware.

Seth calls Vermont home, where he lives with his partner and two cats. You’ll likely find him on the disc golf course, skiing down a mountain, or overanalyzing the latest Star Wars content when not working.


Quel est votre endroit préféré parmi tous les endroits où vous avez voyagé ?

  • I spent a month seakayaing and backpacking above the Arctic Circle during the season of the midnight sun in Norway

Si vous pouviez rencontrer n’importe quelle personne vivante pour discuter autour d’un dîner partagé, qui choisiriez-vous et pourquoi ?

  • Sir David Attenborough, he is the voice of natural wonderment and his documentary series played a foundational role in developing my passion for sustainability.