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The USAID-funded Feed the Future Uganda Institutional and Systems Strengthening (ISS) Activity, implemented by DT Global, aims to mitigate institutional governance, management, and market systems constraints to improve how system actors work together to achieve agriculture-led economic growth. The Activity’s overarching goal is increased responsiveness and accountability of Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) and National-level Industry Apex Organizations (IAOs) to their members, constituents, and the public, and a more conducive environment for agriculture sector market actors to productively engage and coordinate. Employing most of Uganda’s population, the agriculture sector is a key engine for sustainable and inclusive growth. Factors constraining agricultural institutions include weak internal systems and insecure relationships with other market actors. The Activity therefore works with Government of Uganda (GOU), MDAs and private-sector IAOs to facilitate system improvements to catalyze economic growth.
The purpose of this APS is to solicit Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from qualified, legally registered Ugandan Industry Apex Organizations (IAOs), private sector firms, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), and private academic institutions for funding to support innovative business ideas in the following areas:
This solicitation seeks EOIs from eligible entities that present creative technical approaches and methodologies for supporting the ISS Activity Objective No. 3: Enhancing key abilities of selected MDAs and IAOs to perform their mandate. All awards issued under this APS will be to further advance the overall goal of Feed the Future Uganda ISS Activity—to improve the accountability, responsiveness, and performance of MDAs and IAOs critical for sectoral coordination and enhance the policy framework that supports the functionality of MDAs and IAOs, making them more responsive to the needs of their consumers, members, and the public.
Due to the pause in US government foreign assistance, engagement under this APS will likely be disrupted/delayed. DT Global will still be accepting EOIs by the stated due date of July 15, 2025, but will not be providing responses to bidders on questions or EOIs until further notice. Any further modifications to the APS will be communicated directly to bidders.
Interested Applicants can access the detailed EOI document and appendices using the link - Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis, they should be sent by e-mail to [email protected] not later than 17:00 hrs EAT on July 15, 2025. Costs incurred by Offerors in preparing and submitting the proposals will not be reimbursed.
The Feed the Future Uganda ISS Activity or US Government reserve the right to reject any or all applications received. All application preparation and submission costs are at the applicant's expense and risk. Awards are subject to availability of funds.