A publication that offers a glimpse into the extraordinary work that has been carried out across our Australian government-funded programs in Indonesia. These stories reflect the commitment, innovation, and perseverance shaping our efforts this year. They highlight the impact of our partnership with local communities, governments, and organisations, all united by a common goal: driving positive change nationwide.
This guidance document outlines recommended practices for engaging with subcontractors and subgrantees, with particular emphasis on small businesses and local organizations. These best practices aim to foster strong, sustainable partnerships that extend beyond a single bid, recognizing the unique challenges and limited resources smaller organizations often face. While these best practices may need to be adapted to specific circumstances, they provide a strong foundation for effective collaboration and should be adhered to whenever feasible.
Congratulations to DT Global’s Tonette Mangrobang who was recently appointed as the new Contractor Representative/Program Director, Philippines. Here we take five with Tonette to talk about her career in the development sector and her vision for her new role at DT Global.
Can you tell us a little bit about your early career history and how you got into international development?
I am a lawyer and a development professional with 20+ years of experience working in the Philippine Government, with extensive experience in immigration law, and Intelligence Network Development with domestic and international intelligence and law enforcement agencies. I likewise served as the Head of the Philippine Immigration Academy where I was tasked to design, develop and deliver capacity development programs for the institution.
I studied in Germany as a scholar of the Federal Criminal Police Office of Germany where I studied Law Enforcement Administration.
During my stint in government, I represented the Bureau of Immigration in the Interagency Council Against Trafficking (IACAT) and helped craft institutional policies intended to curb trafficking in persons in Philippine borders. As a result, I received recognition from IACAT for anti-human trafficking advocacy in 2011 as an anti-trafficking hero.
Before joining ASEAN Australia Counter Trafficking, I worked with the Philippine justice sector as a Program Coordinator for the International Development Law Organization. Similarly, my work dealt extensively with the implementation of programs to enhance the institutional capacities of partner government justice institutions.
What was your most recent role with ASEAN ACT?
The Country Manager – Philippines is a senior leadership position, and the main liaison point between the program and senior Philippine stakeholders with a role in countering trafficking. This role provides high-level representation at the country level in meetings, consultations and events, providing strategic advice to wide-ranging regional and national partners, including government and non-government organisations.
The Country Manager – Philippines works collaboratively with the Leadership Team and Operations Team to provide a combination of programmatic, managerial, technical and operational expertise to enable the planning and implementation of national-level ASEAN-ACT work plan activities.
The role has an overall responsibility for the management of country activities, leading and managing the country team with adept planning, budgeting, monitoring, GEDSI and reporting, as well as identifying and providing internal capacity development opportunities for the country team to enhance their knowledge and skills.
What is your new role and what will you be doing?
As Contractor Representative/Program Director, I will be responsible for overseeing and managing DT Global programs from Manila, which may include regional programs or bilateral programs based in the Philippines. This includes overseeing corporate program teams, engagement with client/s and related partnerships. The role involves ensuring the effective implementation of development programs, achieving strategic objectives, and maintaining strong relationships with key stakeholders. The Contractor Representative will be directly responsible for the ASEAN-Australia Counter Trafficking (ASEAN-ACT) program, as well as delegated oversight of corporate functions in Manila, as assigned by the Asia Regional Manager from time to time.
What excites you about working at DT Global, ASEAN ACT and the International Development Sector?
The learning opportunities are what excite me about working at DT Global and ASEAN ACT. I have been implementing international development programs for several years and the new CR role will allow me to look at programs using a different lens. I am very eager to learn how I can contribute to the Program and DT Global and make the CR role my own.
Having been part of the ASEAN ACT Team for more than three years now and implementing the Philippine country program, I feel that this experience will provide a great compliment to my new role as CR for ASEAN ACT. I know the Program inside and out which will help me strategically oversee and manage the Program.
After leaving the public service for several years now, my desire to strengthen government institutions has not waivered. Being in the international development sector has allowed me to continue with that burning desire, this time working ‘with’ and not ‘in’ government.
What do you hope to achieve in your role both professionally/personally?
I hope to really make this CR role my own. To bring my knowledge and experience to the table and strategically navigate the challenges and the risks with a clear understanding of the work environment. I hope to build and strengthen working relationships, knowing how valuable this is in the work that we do.
Personally, getting out of my comfort zone seems to be daunting but I believe that to build one’s character I must do things that scare me. I pray that this journey will do just that and so much more.
Anything else you would like to add?
I wish to express my sincerest thanks to DT Global for giving me this opportunity. After completing the DT Global Emerging Leaders in Development Program, a bigger world was revealed to me. A world of opportunities that recognise my capabilities with a sincere desire to build my capacity as an international development worker.
En todas nuestras acciones y actividades existe el potencial de fomentar, amplificar y respaldar el liderazgo de desarrollo local: este Marco tiene como objetivo apoyar, motivar y alinear los esfuerzos de DT Global APAC para lograrlo.
Este informe proporciona ejemplos de los esfuerzos de DT Global para promover los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de las Naciones Unidas.
En respuesta al conflicto de Sudán, nuestro programa STEP-UP de USAID/OTI apoya a grupos locales En la región de Kordofán, los jóvenes preparan la tierra para los desplazados y afrontan desafíos humanitarios urgentes como el desplazamiento y los brotes de enfermedades.
DT Global se enorgullece de anunciar que hemos sido galardonados con el contrato de Apoyo para la Implementación de Transiciones Rápidas (SWIFT) 6 – Programas de Entrega Indefinida/Cantidad Indefinida (IDIQ). Los programas SWIFT 6 serán el mecanismo principal a través del cual USAID/Oficina de Iniciativas de Transición (OTI) implemente la programación para los próximos diez años. En virtud de este contrato de Entrega Indefinida/Cantidad Indefinida de 5 mil millones de dólares, la OTI apoyará los objetivos de política exterior de los EE. UU. ayudando a los socios locales a promover la paz y la estabilidad en entornos frágiles a través de un modelo rápido, flexible y adaptable que aborde las necesidades clave de transición política y estabilización.
Este premio se basa en la larga trayectoria de DT Global en apoyo a la OTI. Como implementador de la OTI desde SWIFT II, DT Global ha trabajado con la OTI durante los últimos veinte años en 16 países diferentes y actualmente tiene cinco órdenes de trabajo activas de SWIFT 5 (Irak, Sri Lanka, Sudán y dos mecanismos regionales en Oriente Medio y el norte de África, y África meridional y oriental). A través de estos programas, DT Global ha apoyado actividades que promueven la justicia transicional, la reconciliación, la cohesión social, el desarrollo de la juventud y brindan evaluaciones políticas y de estabilización.
“DT Global está entusiasmada por seguir apoyando a USAID/OTI. Su modelo de desarrollo coincide con el compromiso de DT Global de hacer el desarrollo de manera diferente y estamos listos para avanzar con la misión de OTI en crisis políticas complejas en todo el mundo”, dijo Sloan Mann, presidente de DT Global en Estados Unidos.