Published on 18 septiembre 2024

DT Global congratulates our graduating Emerging Leaders in International Development

On Wed 11 September, DT Global APAC was honoured to share in the graduation celebrations of 18 participants from our 2nd Cohort of Emerging Leaders in International Development (ELID) program.

The online graduation event was attended by ELIDs from seven different countries in the Asia Pacific region, dignitaries and guest speakers from DFAT & in-country Embassies, along with First Nations Leadership Coaches from ETM Perspectives, friends and supporters of DT Global, and corporate and project office staff.

The Emerging Leaders shared their thoughts on the 12-month leadership journey by highlighting the benefits of engaging with First Nations providers, how they have grown as leaders by applying Adaptive Management approaches in the workplace and recognising the value they bring to locally led development practices.

They were also congratulated by special guest speaker Mr. Rod Brazier, Deputy Secretary, Development, Multilateral and Europe Group - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Mr. Duane Vickery, Managing Director from ETM Perspectives, for their achievements and the culmination of their leadership training.

Margaret Sirait, Graduating Emerging Leader and Operations Manager of the IACEPA-ECP Katalis Program in Indonesia said the program had been a transformative journey for all involved.

“On behalf of the 2023-2024 ELID class, I can say that the past year has been an extraordinary journey.”

“Through the lens of adaptive leadership, we have witnessed a profound shift in our mindsets, leadership styles and our overall personal and professional identities.”

“We have learned to keep evolving and learning, to navigate complexity, embrace uncertainty and to lead with empathy,” she said.

Congratulations to all of our graduating Emerging Leaders of 2024!
