In early 2020, DT Global set about developing its first Reconciliation Action Plan with an aim to improve our understanding of the reconciliation journey in Australia and to set our ambitions for a unified country, while laying the foundation for future reconciliation commitments. Echoing our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion more broadly, we are committing today to helping achieve impact for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia.
Coinciding with NAIDOC week in mid-November, DT Global received formal endorsement from Reconciliation Australia for our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan 2020-2021, marking a significant organisational milestone. “Whilst this is the culmination of months of work, it is also the start of a much more meaningful commitment we have made at DT Global to the reconciliation journey,” noted Luke Marston, Chair of the Reconciliation Working Group.
The Reflect RAP details a series of activities and initiatives that we will measure, monitor, and publicly report on from September 2020 to September 2021. It provides a structured framework for our reconciliation journey and provides us with a baseline from which we will build on for future RAPs.
An important element of our Reflect RAP is that we explore our ‘sphere of influence,’ take steps to build meaningful relationships, and identify opportunities for collaboration and engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations. Since the commencement of our RAP, we have already achieved significant milestones, including our formal partnership with Kennelly Constructions, an Indigenous-owned business in Queensland, where together we have been appointed to DFAT’s Capital Infrastructure Service Panel in support of the Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific (AIFFP). Mel Dunn, DT Global Vice President for Strategy and Innovation, sees this approach to diversity and engagement with new partners as a key feature of our offering in the international development sector. As he shares, “Our strategic partnership with Kennelly Constructions is an example where DT Global’s vision and values align directly with a number of stakeholders and key clients. It’s smart, innovative, and just good business that demonstrates our commitment to delivering impact.”
This week sees our Adelaide office hosting the organisational launch of the DT Global Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan 2020-2021, celebrated by staff across Australia and the Asia Pacific region. “This is a significant achievement for our business and a true demonstration of DT Global’s commitment to diversity and inclusion,” says Frank Maiolo, Managing Director of DT Global Australia and Asia Pacific, “It reminds us that our diversity is a strength, and that we can continue to evolve and learn, not only in Australia, but across our global business.”
Joining the launch is Anna Dowling, renown local artist who created the design for DT Global’s RAP. The artwork reflects our four strategic pillars and presents them in a uniquely Australian way, based on her cultural heritage and the surrounding areas of the Adelaide Region.
Click here to download a copy of DT Global’s Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan 2020-2021 and learn more about our reconciliation journey. For more information, or if you’d like to work with DT Global on the implementation of our Reflect RAP, please reach out to Luke Marston at