Published on mayo 27th, 2020

DT Global Commences Reconciliation Journey in Australia

At DT Global we believe our purpose is to create impact and transform lives for a better world. Our global team - spearheaded by our team based in our Asia Pacific home office in Adelaide, Australia - is celebrating National Reconciliation Week in Australia from 27 May to 3 June, recognizing a new journey we have embarked on as we work with our clients and partners to develop and implement DT Global’s first Reconciliation Action Plan. This plan details the actions and activities we will undertake at DT Global to demonstrate our commitment to have meaningful, prosperous relationships with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community in Australia and abroad.

The theme of National Reconciliation Week 2020 is “In this together”. The 27th of May and 3rd of June represent two significant milestones in modern Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, and Australia’s reconciliation journey - the 1967 referendum and the High Court Mabo decision respectively. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has never been so clear that indeed we are all one global community and that our actions here and abroad, however small or large, can have a far-reaching impact.

Drafting our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan is the first step in formally recognizing and honouring the value that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, traditions, and cultures have in our community. It aims to articulate the five dimensions of national reconciliation as identified by Reconciliation Australia – Unity, Race Relations, Equality and Equity, Institutional Integrity, and Historical Acceptance. Over the next year, DT Global will implement the following activities and policies in order to uphold these ideals:

  • We have formed a Reconciliation Working Group to focus on designing and implementing initiatives, reporting, evaluating, and realizing our reconciliation journey. DT Global's leadership team has also dedicated resources to ensure timely completion and sustained commitment.
  • We will embark on a journey of education and awareness for our staff and suppliers around Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, traditions, and culture, and the value they contribute to the Australian way of life.
  • We will review our internal systems, procedures, and policies to ensure we are an inclusive employer and contribute to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander economic opportunities through our supply chains and in the implementation of our work.
  • We will implement new recruitment approaches to ensure we have diversity and representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in our organization.


Working in over 90 countries, DT Global’s diverse and varied staff understand we are a messenger and supporter of indigenous populations wherever we work, and our approach to the reconciliation process with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will represent and inform our capacity and ability to deliver the same around the world. Our learnings from the reconciliation process will further define our ability and reputation as a leader in the International Development sector.

For further information on our draft Reconciliation Action Plan or any other relevant policies and procedures, please contact the Chair of DT Global’s Reconciliation Working Group, Luke Marston ([email protected])
