Published on noviembre 15th, 2022

Emerging Leaders in International Development: DT Global Initiative

As an international development organisation supporting over 100 countries around the world, we know the key to any successful project revolves around investing in our greatest asset: our people.

This is especially important when working in local development settings. Working in partnership with and learning from our local leaders is crucial for all staff to better understand the cultural and societal nuances within a development context.  It is also essential for building sustainable community relationships.

As part of our commitment to investing in our local leaders, DT Global Asia-Pacific is proud to launch the first Emerging Leaders in International Development (ELID) initiative to further the professional development of our local talent across the Asia-Pacific region.


Investing in emerging leaders

This exciting new initiative brings together 15 of DT Global’s emerging leaders from Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Samoa, Philippines, Vanuatu, and Kiribati. Each will embark on a 12-month intensive learning journey to strengthen their leadership capabilities, knowledge, and networks within DT Global, the development sector, and beyond.

Participants will learn about Adaptive Leadership Theory and Transformational Leadership Principles and will be guided through individual and group coaching, mentoring, contemporary development topics, problem-solving, communication techniques, and personal development exercises.

They will also be sponsored to attend the Australasian Aid Conference in Canberra in November, followed by a two-day workshop, providing an invaluable opportunity to meet in person, and network with a range of development actors.


A commitment to professional growth

The first emerging leader’s cohort is made up of 11 women and four men, from very diverse professional and geographic backgrounds, all working on DFAT-funded initiatives in the Asia Pacific region. Among them are lawyers, doctors, engineers, journalists, former ambassadors, teachers, and economists; all with a passion for developing their professional leadership skills and a wanting to make a positive impact on their country’s future development.

The participants, who applied for the program, were selected based on demonstrated commitment in four areas. These areas are engaging in professional growth and leadership, creating positive change in their countries, learning from and connecting with their colleagues, and promoting diversity and inclusion.

DT Global Asia-Pacific is proud to sponsor, fund, and coordinate the ELID initiative.

We wish all emerging leaders well on their journey.
