Published on noviembre 8th, 2021

DT Global Supports President Biden’s Emergency Plan for Adaptation and Resilience (PREPARE)

DT Global commends President Biden on the Emergency Plan for Adaptation and Resilience (PREPARE), announced on the first day of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP26) summit. PREPARE—which pledges to provide $3 billion in adaptation financing for those most vulnerable to climate change annually by Fiscal Year 2024—will lay the foundation for increased global stability by addressing the impacts of the global climate crisis.

“Alongside our work to reduce DT Global’s carbon footprint, we have long been a dedicated partner to many of the key international donor agencies in combatting the climate change crisis through programs that support climate change adaptation, build renewable energy sources, create climate resilient infrastructure, and enhance natural resource management,” says Torge Gerlach, DT Global’s Chief Executive Officer. “We look forward to drawing on this work as we support countries around the world as they build their resilience to climate change through adaptation.”

PREPARE consists of three major lines of work: deepening global knowledge around climate risks and adaptation solutions, implementing programs to help communities and countries plan for and adapt to climate impacts, and mobilizing finance to fund adaptation strategies.

“A lack of awareness and information on climate change processes, risks, and impacts leads to a feedback loop in which the inability to plan for climate impacts leads to increased damage and loss due to climate shocks, which ultimately undermines countries’ development trajectories,” says Dr. Keith Bettinger, DT Global Senior Technical Director for Climate Change. “The PREPARE approach addresses these challenges by working on three of the most important climate questions facing developing countries: what are the current and future risks associated with climate change, what do we do about them, and how will we pay for it. This approach allows USAID and its partners to design and implement integrated programs that will lead to significant improvements in climate resilience and adaptation.”

As the world ramps up its focus on climate mitigation, adaptation, and finance, DT Global looks forward to continuing to partner with the international community to create a more resilient future for all countries.
