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How do you convince skeptics that gender mainstreaming is important? Is there a way to address gender issues when a project doesn’t specialize in them? Is there such a thing as a gender-neutral activity? At DT Global we think about these types of challenges every day, and in celebration of

The internet has been a solution to a whole host of problems introduced by the COVID-19 pandemic, from keeping kids in school to connecting co-workers in their homes. But what does this mean for the billions of people worldwide who still lack internet access? According to UNESCO, only 55 percent

The annual migration of Sudanese pastoralists into South Sudan to gain access to grazing lands is a persistent source of tension along the Sudan-South Sudan border. During the Sudanese Civil War of 1983-2005, Khartoum mobilized Misseriya and Rezeigat herders to fight Dinka of present-day South

As COVID-19 lockdowns set in around the world last year, DT Global’s team in Iraq quickly realized they would need to adapt to their new reality. The Preventing Retribution and Mitigating Violence (PRMV) program, funded by Global Affairs Canada, works to resolve local conflicts before they boil over into

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of DT Global’s new and improved website! DT Global’s Communications Team has been hard at work to improve the user experience of those on our website, and while we’ve made a lot of smaller changes to hopefully make the site easier to navigate, we want to

DT Global has a long history of supporting governments around the world on Public Financial Management (PFM). In the last three decades, a number of African countries have introduced reforms to improve the management of public monies, despite scarce resources and enormous social and economic