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We increase tolerance and reduce vulnerabilities through programs that mitigate the drivers of violence, facilitate social cohesion between communities in conflict, and support democratic transitions and political stability.

DT Global's Conflict Prevention, Stabilization & Transition practice has deep experience in fragile and conflict-affected states across the globe. We understand that fragility results from a combination of weak governance, social and economic instability, exclusionary social norms, autocratic political structures, and extreme insecurity which can often lead to violence. Applying our technical expertise and research, and in collaboration with our local partners, we design and implement programs to address and support conflict prevention; stabilization and transition; peacebuilding and reconciliation; women, peace, and security; stressors from climate change and natural resource scarcity; and countering violent extremism. We support communities as they emerge from destabilizing crises and prevent atrocities and other forms of conflict from escalating by identifying and proactively responding to early warning signs. We take a localized approach in partnership with the community, civil society, media, traditional leaders, women, youth, marginalized populations, and governments to design and implement collaborative, rapid-response, context-specific programming grounded in technical expertise, evidence-based research, and analytics.

At DT Global, we identify and address the long-term causes of fragility and conflict by working with, and through, local partners to bring about resilient stability.

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Our Work in Conflict Prevention, Stabilization & Transition

We partner with governments, the private sector, foundations, NGOs, and civil society to deliver effective programming and transform lives.
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