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A major facet of any DT Global program is the imperative to be field-driven. Whether fostering conditions for long-term development or responding to complex crises, our staff strive foremost to understand the country context and provide field teams and local partners with the greatest possible

This year, the UN’s International Day for Peace focuses on Climate Action for Peace. The day draws attention to how the effects of climate change—such as displacement and economic disruption, food security, and health—threaten peace and security. USAID’s Ready Project, implemented by DT Global

As development practitioners, we routinely search outside a particular country context for successful models of change to adapt in new locations. The effort to constantly learn from past experience, transfer knowledge, and refine strategies to meet program objectives is a keystone of DT Global’s

The rural village of Sassadi sits in Bandiagara Cercle, Mopti Region — a traditional cross-roads of the Sahel. Dominated by the sandstone Bandiagara Escarpment and home to the Dogon people, Bandiagara is characterized by a stony landscape and erratic rainfall, making agricultural work

In fragile conflict environments like South Kordofan State (SKS) in Sudan, empowerment of vulnerable groups is critical for community development and peacebuilding. Building on these key Stabilization and Transition activities are the sustainable livelihood opportunities that encourage cooperation between

The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), located in the northern Pacific Ocean, is part of the Micronesia archipelago consisting of 34 low-lying coral atolls, which in turn are made up of over 100 individual islands and islets. A little over 70,000 people inhabit the scattered atolls and remote islands,