For nearly 30 years, DT Global has been a dedicated partner to communities, governments, and the private sector in the Middle East and North Africa.
For more than 30 years, DT Global has been a dedicated partner to communities, governments, and the private sector in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).
For more than 30 years, DT Global has been a dedicated partner to communities, governments, and the private sector in Europe and Eurasia.
For close to 40 years, DT Global has been a dedicated partner to communities, governments, and the private sector in Asia.
This note aims to support DT Global staff and partners to: understand DT Global’s adaptive management framework; assess if and what level of adaptive management is required for a program; the difference between adaptive management and good program management; and initial steps to apply adaptive management principles and practice.
This paper explores how a program in Myanmar implemented by DT Global from 2017–2021 used adaptive management practices. Details of the program name, donor, and activities that the program undertook are anonymised and minimised to protect the national staff in Myanmar. The paper discusses