USAID Climate Ready is a five-year regional project funded by the USAID and implemented
by DT Global, a United States based institutional contractor with worldwide experience
implementing environment programs.
In 2019, the USAID Climate Ready team in Papua New Guinea worked alongside partners from the
Department of National Planning & Monitoring, Department of Treasury, Department of Finance,
Department of Provincial & Local Government Affairs, and the Climate Change & Development Authority to produce a tool to facilitate more effective and efficient review, screening and ranking of concept notes and proposals for Green Climate Fund (GCF) funding.
While there have been several studies conducted in recent years on menstrual hygiene management
(MHM) in Ethiopia, limited research remains for girls in the pastoral context of the country.
BOP seeks to shift the attitudes and norms that prevent women from being perceived as legitimate leaders. BOP recognises that these deeply entrenched norms, attitudes and perceptions around concepts of leadership are often barriers to achieving improved balance and inclusion.
In Ethiopia’s remote and drought-prone Afar region, pastoralist communities depend on water schemes consisting of deep boreholes for subsistence and for their livestock.