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Claudia Antón

Deputy Director of the Project Management Division
DT Global Europe
Law Degree (LLB), Granada University (Spain)
Master’s Degree in European Union Law and European Union Policies – Carlos III University (Madrid)
Law Course (LLB Law Programme) Erasmus Programme, Thames Valley University (currently University of West London)

Claudia Antón is the Deputy Director of the Project Implementation Division at DT Global Europe. She oversees the implementation of a project portfolio averaging 100 ongoing projects in many different sectors, ranging from economic growth to governance to water management. She leads a team of 16 project managers.

Claudia is a project management professional with more than 20 years of experience in program design and implementation. She has extensive experience in implementing projects funded by the European Union and other donors such as the World Bank, UN, the Inter-American Development Bank, AECID (Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation), and the Millennium Challenge Corporation.

She has also worked for and collaborated with non-state actors such as universities, research centers, and chambers of commerce on identifying, formulating, alliance building, and fundraising for international cooperation projects. These have mainly been private sector development projects focused on small and medium-sized business development and trade.

Claudia has been Adjunct Professor in Project Management for the International Relations Department at IE University, Spain, since 2019. She also provides training in international cooperation project management formulation and fundraising to non-state actors and other companies.

Her main technical areas of expertise are private sector development and public finance management, although she has experience overseeing projects in many other technical areas.

What's the coolest thing about your job?

Without a doubt, the coolest part of our job is the constant learning! Each year brings new experiences and learning, even in areas we already know. The job requires constant updating, acquiring knowledge of the different approaches taken in each country to the same technical area, and continuously enriching our knowledge. This is a great privilege!