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Gianmattia Lobina

Director of the Business Development Division
DT Global Europe
Technical Areas of Expertise
Economic Development
Institutional Building
Governance and Rule of Law
University of Cagliari, MSC Political Science
University of Bologna, MSC International RelationsInstitute for Foreign Trade, Rome, MSC in International Trade

Gianmattia Lobina is the Director of the Business Development Division for DT Global Europe. He has been working in the sector of multilateral donors and technical assistance for many years, in a variety of positions and roles. He holds three master degrees, all connected to the field of development, with a particular focus on African contemporary history, multilateral economic relations, and the role of multilateral organizations. He has managed several cooperative projects in Asia and Africa and he has frequently travelled to a number of developing countries, in particular in South East Asia.

After graduation in Italy, Gianmattia moved to Spain and started his career as consultant in international development. He has more than 15 years of experience in managerial positions working for different donors including the EU, WB, and ADB. Since 2016, Gianmattia has been responsible for the Business Development Unit for DT Global Europe, based in Madrid, Spain.

What’s the coolest thing about your job?

I love to be exposed to new challenges every day and to be constantly pushed out of my comfort zone.

What was the last really great book you read?

The Savage Detectives, of Roberto Bolaño. It makes you see reality through new eyes. Simple as that!