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Leonie Whyte

Head of Program Quality and Gender
DT Global Asia Pacific
Technical Areas of Expertise
Development Effectiveness
Program Management
Gender Analysis
Team Leader
Tok Pisin
Deakin University, Graduate Diploma of International and Community Development
Canberra University, Bachelor of Community Education, Health Promotion

Leonie Whyte is a committed International Development Specialist and Leader. With 20 years of experience managing complex development programs, she has a passion for locally led community development. Leonie lived in the Pacific for over a decade both as a diplomat and Program Manager. She works collegiately, successfully balances multiple interests, is adaptive and reflective in her leadership approach, fosters strong relationships, provides strategic advice, problem solves and delivers development effectiveness. She is a feminist and gender equality advocate, a mother and collector of bilums and baskets.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

I’ve learnt so much from collective societies, that focus on people and relationships as measures of importance and success.  This is what I aim to live by, at the end of the day it is how we have lived and who we have supported, influenced and listened to that matters.

If you could change something in the world, what would it be?
Just one thing? Climate change!