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It has been demonstrated over and over that the inclusion of women in peace processes leads to a longer lasting peace, and that the inclusion of their voices in conflict prevention efforts leads to more durable results. Yet, the discussion, and hesitation, around the role of women in peacebuilding is

Climate change is an acknowledged crisis worldwide. The impact of climate change is undeniable: people in fragile and conflict states are experiencing droughts and floods, heightened temperatures, and displacement as a result of rising temperatures. Addressing climate change impacts must be

Recently, the Alliance for Peacebuilding held their annual PeaceCon@10 conference, drawing together over 1,600 people from 120 countries and from all political, ethnic, racial, gender, and economic backgrounds. Every person in attendance shared the same passion and belief that peace is possible.

Recent years have witnessed an uptick in the number of partisan websites, television channels, and social media pages covering Yemen’s conflict. The Houthis in particular appear to prioritize media investments as a way to promote their ideology and counter opposing messages. As Hannah Porter

I recently traveled to South Sudan to visit two of DT Global’s USAID projects: Shejeh Salam and Gender Aware Sustainable WASH Program. This was my first overseas trip in nearly 20 months and it felt good to be back on the road again visiting team members, partners, and beneficiaries. One of the key lessons

How do you begin to resolve long-standing historical tension between communities while simultaneously building long-term peace? USAID-funded Shejeh Salam, implemented by DT Global, kicked off this process through one of its first activities, Support to Peacebuilding Opportunity Fund Jonglei