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“In Yemen, the poor citizen finds himself under fire from two sides: from the war on one side and from the [fake] news on the other side,” a Yemeni woman told DT Global in a recent structured interview. Disinformation, fake news, and influence campaigns have become focal points of concern for anyone

Located south of Mogadishu on the Indian Ocean, Somalia’s Lower Shabelle Region is home to Sabid Anole, a small town that was liberated from al-Shabaab in 2019. Despite liberation, Sabid Anole suffers from mass unemployment, access challenges, and is struggling to grow its economy. USAID Somalia’s

The annual migration of Sudanese pastoralists into South Sudan to gain access to grazing lands is a persistent source of tension along the Sudan-South Sudan border. During the Sudanese Civil War of 1983-2005, Khartoum mobilized Misseriya and Rezeigat herders to fight Dinka of present-day South

October 2nd marks the annual International Day of Non-Violence. Throughout history, violence has been an unfortunate part of day to day life, and sadly continues to be a recurrent theme in many first world and developing countries. In war-torn Sudan, as in other countries in conflict, gender-based violence

Imagine living in a place where it is difficult for anyone—male or female—to challenge traditions and perceptions about what is appropriate and possible, or to find employment possibilities where there are so few. In such a place, how does a young woman set aside her fears and doubts and summon up the

Abdalla Mohammed is an experienced project leader who has overseen over 20 years of programming across Eritrea, Iraq, Libya, Namibia, Nigeria, Sudan, and Syria. His technical expertise spans public financial management, community engagement and governance, and institutional strengthening and