Following COP21 in December 2015—which also brought about the Paris Agreement—Conference attendees committed to addressing climate change using substantial financing through international donors and funds. As part of this movement, the USAID launched the USAID Climate Ready Project.
For more than 50 years, DT Global has been a dedicated partner to communities, governments, and the private sector in the Pacific.
Following the landmark COP21 in December 2015, during which 196 parties adopted the Paris Agreement, the Conference attendees agreed to provide substantial financing and support through international donors and funds to address climate change. As part of this movement, USAID launched
Climate change amplifies a society’s existing inequalities and poses unique threats to the livelihoods, health, and safety of women, children, and other marginalized groups. For example, during prolonged droughts, women and girls often need to travel greater distances to get water and firewood for their