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It all started in 2015, when 15 unemployed women from Sllatina got together to talk about what they could do with their time, since their kids were growing up. With €10 each in hand, they started a business to produce preserved vegetables (pickles) in a car garage. Fast forward to seven years later,

With the quick changes in the technology and equipment used to share and receive information, Tukundane Nelson, a Communications Officer at the Uganda National Farmers Federation needed help to keep his skills sharp. As he said, “I needed refresher training sessions to boost my photography and

DT Global recently completed the USAID Competitiveness Systems Strengthening (CSS) Activity in Serbia, which was designed to strengthen Serbia’s agriculture processing sector. Our work had extensive reach—supporting more than 890 organizations from 114 municipalities, including 580 SMEs—and used

“Leadership is having a vision of what is coming next and being able to step into the unknown and bring others with you,” says Rose Mary Garcia, PhD, Vice President for Economic Growth and Governance at DT Global US. “Those of us who work in international development feel this kind of greater purpose

Kapily Puluku was in fifth grade when a man arrived at her father’s house with 50 pigs and other traditional gifts to seek her hand in marriage. And just like that, Kapily’s dream of pursuing further studies reached a dead end as she left school, got married, settled in Lae, Morobe Province of Papua

In March 2021, DT Global inaugurated an incubator challenge—launching on International Women’s Day—for women-owned social enterprises: Transforming Women’s Lives Through Digital Technology. This challenge worked with women-owned enterprises to develop a concept that advances female economic