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From March 23-25, 550 people hailing from the Balkans, Austria, Italy, Spain, Hungary, and the US, gathered in a hotel conference room along the Adriatic Sea for the Energy Summit in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) 2022. Since 2015, the USAID Energy Policy Activity (USAID EPA), a five-year project

June 5 marks World Environment Day, an annual reminder that we have #OnlyOneEarth and we must work individually and collectively to protect it. DT Global implements programs to combat climate change and build environmental resilience. Today, in celebration of World Environment Day, we’re

The Vietnam’s Ministry of Transport is becoming a pioneer when it comes to innovation and comprehensive digital transformation. Aiming to meet the growing needs of the transport industry and Vietnam’s strategic goals and plans for prosperous socio-economic development, the Ministry of

April 22 is Earth Day, the annual reminder of the importance of environmental protection. At DT Global, we celebrate Earth Day every day, by investing in our planet not just through words but action. That’s why we’re taking bold steps to curb our business emissions and green our operations to protect our

While hard data demonstrating causation between climate change and migration or conflict does not yet exist, the impact of climate change on communities vulnerable to conflict and to migration is obvious. Anecdotal evidence of climate change as a crisis multiplier of these phenomena is mounting.

Enhancing transport connectivity is essential for social and economic growth since it gives opportunities for people to access basic services, education, and healthcare. It also opens up regional and national trade, job opportunities, and attracts more investment.  However, there are many risk factors that can