ASEAN-Australia Counter-Trafficking (ASEAN-ACT) works with government and non-government organizations in ASEAN member states to enhance their capacity to ensure the just punishment of human traffickers while protecting and supporting the rights of victims.
ASEAN-ACT works through three interrelated pathways:
1. Enhancing regional-level capacity
ASEAN-ACT supports and works with ASEAN to strengthen its planning, monitoring, and reporting of the ASEAN Convention Against Trafficking in Persons (ACTIP), particularly with respect to the protection of victims.
2. Enhancing national-level capacity
ASEAN-ACT supports and works with national justice agencies to develop their capacity to fulfill their ACTIP obligations, in particular those that uphold victim rights and advance gender equality, disability, and social inclusion.
3. Developing inclusive public policy and dialogue
ASEAN-ACT promotes and facilitates dialogue between government, civil society, and the private sector to ensure a broad and diverse range of voices, including victims/survivors contribute to counter-trafficking law, policy, and practice.
Justice outcomes
Victim rights, equality, and inclusion outcomes
Knowledge sharing and learning outcomes