Côte d’Ivoire is facing delays in modernizing their energy production system. To confront this challenge, project is working to accelerate, with an acceptable level of risk and at the lowest cost, the development of Renewable Energy power plants using private financing.
The EU and Côte d'Ivoire have concluded a partnership agreement (ENERGOS 2 Programme), in which the EU commits to support relevant state entities to conduct competitive, open, and transparent independent power producer (IPP) tenders according to international best practice in public-private partnerships (PPP). Support under the ENERGOS 2 programme is structured in five interventions:
This program works to ensure the coordinated and competitive development of renewable energy PPP projects in the small hydro, solar, mini power plants, and biomass sectors; and assists the Government of Côte d'Ivoire to conduct the Renewable energy PPP projects at the financial closing. The program also helps to evaluate the public Renewable energy projects 42 months of the start of the program and ensures quality control over all components of the energy project.
Main activities include but are not limited to:
The main goals of the DT Global Technical Assistance mission are the following: