DT Global’s Economic Growth practice works with the public and private sectors to champion policies that transform communities while increasing sustainable economic opportunities.
Tourism and culture are two important sources of economic growth for many developing countries. DT Global is experienced in the design and implementation of strategic plans and programs to improve tourism promotion, support the development of creative industries as a source of employment generation and economic diversification, and preserve cultural heritage around the world. We provide a full suite of tourism and hospitality support, from strategic planning and feasibility studies to developing tourism master plans for public and private entities. Our team supports the development of creative industries such as visual art, cinema, music, theatre, and handicrafts, and we’re actively working with countries to rebuild their tourism industry post-Covid. We cooperate with stakeholders and local communities to protect and promote cultural diversity and foster intercultural dialogue.
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Federated States of Micronesia
Republic of the Marshall Islands
Papua New Guinea
Solomon Islands