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Nauru: Providing Technical Assistance, Design, and Construction Supervision of Nauru Port

Nauru Sustainability and Climate-Resilient Connectivity Project


Nauru imports 95 percent of its goods by sea transport. The existing facilities at Aiwo (on the western coast) include a boat harbor, anchorage, and a mooring system. However, the performance of these facilities is affected by weather. Since the harbour does not have direct access to berthing ships, all cargo and containers are manually handled and transferred to the port by pusher barges and then unloaded individually by crane to the yard area. The existing buildings at the port were in very poor condition. The Government of Nauru incurs significant costs to maintain the mooring system which is highly susceptible to damage. The yard and general operations do not comply with international requirements such as the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code which leaves shipping lines and the country exposed to costs, less reliable access to goods, and sanctions. The government requested project preparatory technical assistance (PPTA) and Project design Advance (PDA) to prepare a project for improving ports facilities of Nauru. This project plays a key role in facilitating international trade and sustaining the existing way of life for the country.


DT Global was engaged by the Government of Nauru as PPTA, PDA and Construction Supervision Consultant. Our work included due diligence on technical, financial, economic, environmental, land acquisition/ resettlement, governance, climate change, poverty and gender issues. The project included capacity development for institutional strengthening of Nauru Maritime & Ports Authority. DT Global also assisted the Asian Development Bank to prepare an application for Green Climate Fund funding for the implementation phase of the project.

DT Global undertook geotechnical investigations, topography, bathymetry, cadastral and UXO surveys and completed detailed designs for a climate-resilient Port. We completed detailed design documentation, cost estimates, standard bidding documents, and assistance to the Implementing Agency in procurement of the civil works contract. Finally, DT Global is currently engaged as “Engineer to the Contract” to supervise the construction works of the new Nauru port infrastructure. The supervision of construction works is carried out in accordance with FIDIC Conditions of Contract and includes supporting environmental, and social management practices which have involved a range of matters including worker influx management, environmental impact management (both coastal and terrestrial), land tenure issues, and resettlement.

Goals and Results

Project results include:

  • Completion of a feasibility study which included options analysis; engineering assessments; climate change and disaster risk vulnerability assessment; financial analysis; tariff assessment; economic analysis; procurement risk assessment; port reform; and poverty, social, gender, resettlement and environmental assessment.
  • Completion of a climate-resilient port infrastructure design.
  • Through DT Global's assistance to Asian Development Bank to prepare an application to Green Climate Fund, the Bank secured additional funding from Green Climate Fund for the construction works.

Project results include:

  • Construction supervision of port infrastructure to a high standard of quality in accordance with contract conditions, standards and guidelines.
2016 - 2023
Implemented by
DT Global Asia Pacific
Asian Development Bank
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