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Published on June 24th, 2020

Stories from the Vault: Solar Brings Energy Security, Cost Savings, and Education to the West Bank

The USAID Palestinian Energy Program (PEP), implemented by DT Global, ran from 2016 to 2019 with the goal of strengthening...
Published on June 17th, 2020

Using Natural Resource Management to Combat Drought and Desertification in Ethiopia’s Lowlands

Ethiopia’s lowlands spread in a clockwise crescent around its central highland plateaus. Orange sediment from the volcanic Dinkali depression stretches...
Published on June 11th, 2020

Project Successes from the USAID Strengthening Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Project in Egypt

Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSME) and the entrepreneurs that start them comprise a large portion of the Egyptian economy....
Published on June 3rd, 2020

DT Global Celebrates Biodiversity and World Environment Day

Biodiversity—the complex, dynamic, and incredible variability of living organisms on planet Earth—is a vital component of our ecosystem. Today, there...
Published on May 27th, 2020

DT Global Commences Reconciliation Journey in Australia

At DT Global we believe our purpose is to create impact and transform lives for a better world. Our global...
Published on May 21st, 2020

Stories from the Vault: More Usable Land Gives Afghan Farmers Options

Imagine being a farmer with limited usable land trying to feed a growing family of 45. That was the daily...
Published on May 19th, 2020

Can Right-sized Digital Solutions Help Vulnerable Populations Access Water?

Water supply should be for all. How can digital solutions help to increase access for vulnerable populations? Water—its availability, delivery,...
Published on May 5th, 2020

Mitigating COVID-19—How Basic WASH Messaging and Effective Private Sector Coordination Can Save Lives in Developing Countries

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted health systems worldwide, illustrating the need for stronger public health preparedness. Much like Ebola in...
Published on April 27th, 2020

How DT Global is Fighting Back Against COVID-19

At DT Global, we have spent the better part of the past six weeks focused on coronavirus, COVID-19, and what...
Published on April 6th, 2020

Building Peace and Gender Equality through Sports

From ancient Olympic games to ping pong diplomacy between the US and China in the 1970s, sports have long been...
Published on March 26th, 2020

Conserving Water During a Pandemic—How One DT Global Staff Member Met the Challenge

At a time when proper handwashing with soap and water is more important than ever to fight the spread of...
Published on March 16th, 2020

Fighting Water Scarcity During a Pandemic—A World Water Day Challenge

March 22 marks the annual UN World Water Day, highlighting the importance of freshwater for over 2 billion people without...