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Published on October 8th, 2019

Best Practices and Lessons Learned from the Successful Implementation of the USAID/Mali Livestock for Growth Program

At the end of September, DT Global completed the five-year USAID/Mali Feed the Future Livestock for Growth (L4G) project in...
Published on October 2nd, 2019

Transformative Peace: Non-Violence in Sudan and South Sudan

For more than 60 years Sudan and Southern, now South Sudan, suffered from civil strife and war. In April 2019,...
Published on September 13th, 2019

Syria Program Redoubles Commitment to Guiding Principles During Learning and Team Building Summit

A major facet of any DT Global program is the imperative to be field-driven. Whether fostering conditions for long-term development...
Published on September 13th, 2019

USAID Ready Supports Local Businesses in Vanuatu to Become Disaster Resilient

This year, the UN’s International Day for Peace focuses on Climate Action for Peace. The day draws attention to how...
Published on September 8th, 2019

Transferring Lessons Learned from Iraq Public Dialogues to Programming in Syria

As development practitioners, we routinely search outside a particular country context for successful models of change to adapt in new...
Published on September 8th, 2019

Malian Female Farmers Increase Income Using Livestock Fattening Techniques

The rural village of Sassadi sits in Bandiagara Cercle, Mopti Region — a traditional cross-roads of the Sahel. Dominated by...
Published on August 1st, 2019

Eco-Friendly Community Farms Provide Improved Livelihoods for Sudanese Women

In fragile conflict environments like South Kordofan State (SKS) in Sudan, empowerment of vulnerable groups is critical for community development...
Published on August 1st, 2019

Boosting the Capacity of the Republic of the Marshall Islands to Access Climate Finance

The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), located in the northern Pacific Ocean, is part of the Micronesia archipelago consisting...
Published on August 1st, 2019

Building Resilience and Sustainability: Solar-Powered Water Schemes in Rural Ethiopia

In the most remote and rural lowland regions of Ethiopia, pastoralist communities are underserved in terms of basic infrastructure, including...
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