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Political Economy Analysis & Research

Conflict Prevention, Stabilization & Transition

At DT Global, we prioritize building an evidence base to inform, guide, and enhance our work.

We understand that long-term impact is most efficiently and effectively sustained with integrated, cross-cutting analysis, so we systematically incorporate locally informed research into our day-to-day work. We believe that implementing gender-aware and conflict-aware programs require multiple streams of embedded political economy analysis and research into the design, delivery, and ongoing evaluation of our work. To do this, we employ rapid atmospherics, data collection through tested analytical frameworks, and political economy assessments to refine our understanding of immediate needs and opportunities to engage. We work with trusted local partners, key community and religious leaders, and strategic media sources to understand the shifting dynamics that drive communities to engage in violence. Our experience helps inform the activities we implement so that they are targeted, relevant, and appropriate to the context.

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We partner with governments, the private sector, foundations, NGOs, and civil society to deliver effective programming and transform lives.
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